Renewable Energy
News of the encumbent UK governments initiative concerning Feed-in tariffs (FiTS) has been a long time coming, the Germans raised legislation concerning this in 1990. The legislation basically is a vehicle for suppliers of renewable electricity to get paid for putting energy back into the grid, hopefully making the investment in generation equipment justifiable. I understand that a typical payback period of a properly installed and maintained wind turbine should be approximately 10 years. So with an expected life of 20 years, the investor/user should have 10 years of ‘free’ electricity. News of several large players in this market entering the UK is no surprise when you consider that Germany accounts for approx 35% of the total wind power capacity in Europe, whilst the UK accounts for just 2.1%. Figures from the 2008 report.
REO is well placed in this market as our manufacturing company in Germany have been supplying into the industry for well over a decade. Moves towards water-cooled inductors and dumping resistors mean that hope to remain involved with new developments and obviously as this industry grows in the UK, REO hope to be able to bring our experience and innovation to this market too. Read our document on the market here and sign up to our newsletter here if you wish to remain informed of new developments.