Advanced braking resistors benefit lifts and escalators

REO has produced its largest ever braking resistors to absorb the surplus energy generated by lifts and escalators during their people laden descents. These new products, specific only to REO, are sealed to IP64, so can withstand extremely dusty and damp environments and are suitable for outdoor use.

REO’s braking resistors go up to a 15 kW power rating and are encapsulated in aluminium heat-sinks, in a range of standard modules, to provide the best braking resistance for different size lifts and escalators. The resistance elements are surrounded by a filling material, which has high thermal-dynamic characteristics and also acts as an insulator. The use of REO’s special winding and encapsulation techniques provide an efficient heat transfer to the cooling surfaces of the heat sink. It is also possible to double the cooling capacity by simply fitting cooling fans, using the fixing slots provided within the heat sink profile.

Connection to a DC bus is made through special EMC terminations.



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