REO AG’s products are a key component of medical technology internationally. Whether you are looking at heart-lung machines, ventilators, CT scanning or ECG facilities, modern examination and operating methods would not be possible without the use of electricity. REO’s medical technology products play a key role when it comes to transforming and controlling electricity and protecting equipment and patients.

REO has been developing and producing passive electronic components since 1925 and, in doing so, has acquired a high level of technical expertise over the decades. REO now produces transformers in the field of medical technology that raise the bar higher regarding safety and efficiency. By focusing on modern production methods, efficient workflows and constant advancement, REO is on hand every single day to support manufacturers of medical electrical equipment with products that help to protect patients and operating personnel.

In the field of medical technology, where the highest level of safety is of paramount importance, REO AG’s expert knowledge provides a not-to-be-underestimated level of comfort to customers all over the world. The standard IEC 60601-1 and the EU Directive 93/42/EEC govern the safety of medical electrical systems. A large amount of knowledge and experience is needed to implement these in order to guarantee a safe supply of electricity. In our in-house test bed, in the Pfarrkirchen REO plant, all transformers are subjected to strict tests to ensure that they are in line with standards.

REO AG is aware of the latest requirements in its position as a specialist of inductive components in medical technology. “All of our medical devices have been designed to ensure the maximum level of safety”, explains Wolfgang Senninger, Head of the REO Medical and Current Transformer Division: “This not only protects patients, it also ensures the safety of the doctors and medical personnel administering care. This medical technology is easy to use, empowering you to focus on what really matters, namely the quality of treatment you provide.”

Thanks to increased burdens on the environment and the resulting environmental awareness, the topic of energy efficiency is also back in the spotlight. REOMED transformers help to achieve this goal. Direct comparisons between conventional transformers and REOMED transformers clearly show the extreme differences in losses.

The transformers, filters, chokes and current transformers are based on durable components, which have demonstrated their capacity in extensive practical testing and, as a result, offer the highest possible availability levels in this segment. Whether you are looking at custom-made transformers or standard EMC filters from our wide range of products, all components are tested out in REO’s own test facilities, which are able to simulate real world conditions thanks to their modular construction.

Excellent medical device quality is also ensured thanks to the holistic production methods employed in REO’s German plants. All of the skills required are pooled together within REO AG as we do not employ any subcontractors, nor do we carry out contract work abroad either. An enormous level of vertical production combined with our independence from global suppliers help to safeguard our production and deliveries.

Philip Twellsieck, Chairman of the Management Board of REO AG, justifies this approach as follows: “We worked out at an early stage that high levels of globalisation combined with the transfer of production to countries located far away posed particular risks to sensitive medical technology components. Our customers can and indeed must be able to rely on our products and their availability. This is why we develop and make our products with short distances in Germany, doing so in compliance with the various standards. Furthermore, we not only comply with the requirements in place, we also exceed them in many areas.”

Developments in recent years, not least the current situation with COVID-19 as the backdrop, demonstrate how crucial this availability and ability to supply medical technology is. With its international branches and certified service partners, REO AG, operating under the REOplus label, ensures the ongoing ready availability of the relevant medical technology components and is, therefore, able to respond in a rapid, efficient and cost effective manner. These branches also make up a worldwide network providing personal technical advice, planning, maintenance and repair services.

Upon visiting visitors can view specially selected products that are currently playing a leading role in regard to COVID-19. The REOMED medical isolating transformers are particularly worth mentioning here as there is currently enormous demand for a reliable power supply to limit leakage current. You can find out more about the entire REO range of products at


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